The new bridge fitted by Dr. Sami Y. Nouhad effectively restores the structure and appearance of a tooth that was lost due to advanced tooth decay, fracture or extraction. Even though your new bridge is made from materials that are not subject to tooth decay, by including it in your daily oral hygiene routine, you will maximize its lifespan.
Hardened tartar at the gum line, caused by residual food particles and plaque, is the number one cause of gum disease. Left unchecked chronic gum disease can pose a serious threat to your bridge in several different ways.
In time, gum disease can cause your gum tissues to recede from the base of your teeth. This forms pockets of infection at the base of your teeth where the ends of your bridge is cemented to the abutments. In time bacterial exposure can start to weaken the cement holding your bridge in place.
The advanced form of gum disease known as periodontitis can cause a loss bone structure at the base of the abutments, causing one or both of them to weaken.
Brushing and flossing your teeth twice a day will help to remove plaque and food particles before they can harden into tartar. If you are having trouble cleaning around the bridge, you might want to try using interdental brush, a floss threader with waxy floss or a dental water jet.
If you have questions about how to clean your bridge, please call Dr. Sami Y. Nouhad at 323-466-3541 to schedule an appointment.